lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

sesion 7


this is an avebration for information tecnology   true
the internet and the the world wide web (WWW) are the same thing true
a bowser its a person that enjois lokking at the www false
youcan't see pictures and words online but you cant not listen to sounds false
yow needs the newest, fastest computers to uses the web false
most internet users are man false
"@" is called at in english true


browser ...... software thats lets you acces the www
to download ... to get programs for internet
to chat .........  to have convertation throug  the internet by routing or speaking
wi-fi ........... wirless divice that allows computers to conect to the internet usin a roter
a modem ...... lets your  send by internet
online........... when you are conected to internet
software....... compunters computers 
scroll .......... move the page up or down


i use a fast modem to conect my computer to the internet

real player its a computer software that you use to listen to music on the world wide web

i alwais save  my documents on floopy discks

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

session 6

1- The brand of my computer is LG
2- My operating of my computer is WINDOWS
3- My browser web is GOOGLE
4- There are treeh buttons
5- Its haves CD-ROM drive, and DVD-drive but they don't have USB
6- All of this keys ar in my key board

  enter= entrar
  space bar= espai( )
  shift= shift
  tab= tab
   delete= retroceso
  control= control
  escape= sortir
  hypen or dash= gió (-)
  period dor= punt (.)
  comma= coma (,)
  right parentesis= parentesis (())
  slash= barra (/)
  at simbol= (@)

clik: a term used to descrive the action of pressing a maouse button
cursor: file is an object on a computer that stores like windows 
window:  A section of the computer's display in a GUI that shows the program currently being used.
highlight: An indication that text or another object has been selected with the mouse or keyboard.
menu: a menu is a list of commands or choices offered to the user.
icon: An icon is a small graphical representation of a program
word prossecor: a word processor is a sofwere program capable of creating, storing, and printing typed documents.

duplicate highlighted text/imatges to put somewhere else: copy
preserve de contens of a document: save
cut text/images from one place and put them somewhere else:cut and paste  
open and existing document: open
create a new document:new
send the contens of adocument to the printer: print
close the document without quitting the words processor:close
save the contens of a document under new file name:save as