lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

sesion 7


this is an avebration for information tecnology   true
the internet and the the world wide web (WWW) are the same thing true
a bowser its a person that enjois lokking at the www false
youcan't see pictures and words online but you cant not listen to sounds false
yow needs the newest, fastest computers to uses the web false
most internet users are man false
"@" is called at in english true


browser ...... software thats lets you acces the www
to download ... to get programs for internet
to chat .........  to have convertation throug  the internet by routing or speaking
wi-fi ........... wirless divice that allows computers to conect to the internet usin a roter
a modem ...... lets your  send by internet
online........... when you are conected to internet
software....... compunters computers 
scroll .......... move the page up or down


i use a fast modem to conect my computer to the internet

real player its a computer software that you use to listen to music on the world wide web

i alwais save  my documents on floopy discks

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